
Outsource your software needs

Powerful software for your company


Powerful software for your company

From individual service providers to multinational conglomerates, pretty much all businesses need software nowadays. Companies use software to communicate with customers and vendors, manage business processes, market their products and services, etc. But finding the best software for your business needs and procuring it effectively can be a challenge…

We develop, optimize, and license proprietary software for various types of companies, which allows their owners and management to focus on running and improving their business, instead of having to occupy themselves with software issues.

Tailor-made proprietary licensed software


Our software solutions span a range of business areas and cover everything needed for seamless operation, including:

  • All in one software solutions (frontend, backend, database solutions, etc.)
  • Continual changes and improvements according to your needs
  • Optimization of business processes
  • Regular updates of individual components
  • User experience design and testing
  • Wide range of programming languages and technological solutions, including Java, HTML + CSS, PostgreSQL, AngularJS, Spring MVC, NPM, JavaScript
and many others

Software for all use-cases and needs


Our existing customers use our software solutions via proprietary licenses to operate the front- and backends of websites with:

  • Databases of online companies with detailed reviews
  • Databases of promotions offered by these companies
  • Databases of free-to-play online games
  • Forums and other community-focused features
  • Other types of content and articles


Ready to jump aboard?

We are happy to discuss your needs and how we can help you solve them in an effective and cost-efficient way. Send us a message and we will get back to you soon.

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